Importance of Biomining
The Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 now mandate bio-mine legacy waste instead of 'capping' which means covering the waste with soil. These rules focus on the segregation of waste at the source, the responsibility of the manufacturer to dispose of sanitary and packaging wastes, and user fees for collection, disposal and processing from the bulk generator.
Benefits of Biomining
Biomining of Dump-Sites
Bio-mining is a process involving digging out previously dumped or disposed of material from landfill sites to recover plastic, metal, glass, combustibles, other fine material, and soil. Plastic, metals, and other material thus recovered will be sent for recycling. The biodegradable waste in a landfill site gets decomposed. When non-biodegradable materials in the same site are recovered and sent for recycling, the land under them can be reclaimed for further use.